Sunday, September 7, 2008

Moved in!

Well, it's hard to believe that we've been in our new place for over a week now! I'm finally getting rid of some of the astounding number of boxes, and some rooms even look livable!! It actually was nice re-setting up my office here, and culling some of the items while adding others to the display. Of course, there's still nothing on the walls and plenty more boxes to go around...

As we've been suffering this move, I've been contemplating why I kept so many things for so long. Some of it was photos and notes from growing up, which made me smile to look at again. But then there was chipped pottery, waaaay too many tubes of toothpaste(!), lampshades from lamps that we no longer have, and the list goes on. Why? I guess it was part of my pack-rat sentimentality, as well as the "you don't know when you can use this again" thought process. I hope I've learned my lesson - if you're not using it, either donate it or throw it away! Hope this piece of advice helps you as well!!

Until next time, happy planning...

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