Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Musings on this Holiday Season

Hello everyone!

Well, it's already December - time flies by so quickly. Sorry I've been mia for most of November! I had a couple of events, Thanksgiving and nice bout of the flu (which I've now passed along to my husband). Hope you've had a nice lead up to the holidays!

Given the economy, this holiday season is going to be challenging for many folks. And I think that no segment of the population feels it more than those of you who are just getting your engagement rings, and are planning your weddings. However, there is some good news on the horizon, as the economy is showing some signs of revival.

So, if you have just received your engagement ring, CONGRATULATIONS! This is such an exciting time!! Remember who and what is important to you and make sure to center your celebration and planning around those people and ideas.

If you are planning your wedding already, keep up the great work! Try to stay on your schedule so that you enjoy every step of the way. You will always remember the time you spent planning and you want those to be happy memories!

In my upcoming Wedding Trends article, I'm going to write about The Engagement. Keep your eyes posted for the article - it should be up soon!

Until next time, happy planning...

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