Sunday, June 17, 2007

What to discuss with your Church

Many of my clients choose to be married in their house of worship - a place they (or at least the bride) have been attending for several years. Other clients decide they want to be married in a church, even though they are not members. Either way, there are some very important issues to keep in mind if you're getting married in a church.

Usually, a church will have rules governing most every aspect of your wedding ceremony. Most notably, photographers and videographers will be regulated in some form. I've worked at churches that do not allow any photography at all during a ceremony, and other churches that simply limit where a photographer/videographer can stand. You must ask your church secretary/administrator about the rules and pass them along to the appropriate people.

Other church-related issues to keep in mind are decorations. Where can the florist decorate and when will the florist be allowed into the sanctuary to set up? These two very important questions need to be answered before talking with your florist - imagine paying for several large flower-laden arches to go across and up the aisle, only to find out at the last moment that the florist can only gain access to the church 1/2 hour before the ceremony begins!

The church may or may not provide an organist and/or soloist/cantor, so that's also a question you need to ask up front. There may be rules against your guests throwing birdseed, rice and even rose petals. Most churches do not provide programs for your ceremony, so if you want your guests to have this memento, you will need to provide it. Finally, make sure to ask your church if there are any musical restrictions - you don't want to be surprised to learn the day before your wedding that you can't use "Here Comes The Bride" as your processional! If you use all of these tips, your church ceremony will go off without a hitch!

Until next time, happy planning ...

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