Tuesday, September 25, 2007


One question that most of my couples grapple with concerns favors. What is a good favor? Should it be one per couple or one per guest? Should a favor even be given at all?

The history behind favors goes back centuries. Since a wedding was considered a lucky occasion, the happy couple shared their luck and appreciation of their guests by way of small gifts of candies, representing fertility, health, wealth, happiness and longevity.

Today, favors come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Some couples choose to make a donation to a favorite charity in their guests' names (which, by the way, is tax deductible) and give out the organization's bracelets as their favors. Some couples choose a favor that comports with their wedding's theme or a favorite activity. Others forego this tradition, preferring to spend the money elsewhere in the celebration.

There is no right or wrong when it comes to your decision regarding favors. Frankly, I always recommend a donation or something edible, so that the guests will appreciate your thoughtfulness. Mini-bottles of wine, chocolates, cookies all make wonderful favors - their packaging can also be part of the favor! A lovely cookie placed in a hand-painted box that goes with your theme is always appreciated!

The question of whether to give one favor per guest or per couple is usually determined based upon your budget. Believe it or not, favors often cost $5 or more per piece. No one will be upset if you give out mini bottles of wine to each couple - they will simply toast to your new life together!

Until next time, happy planning...

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